

It is a traditional dish popular in Madinah. It is served along with the main dish.

Yaghmush: Delicious and Wonderful Taste:

Yaghmush is a kind of dumpling with meat filling. It is abundantly prepared in Madinah, especially in Ramadan. It is known for its delicious and wonderful taste.

The Origins of Yaghmush:

It came originally from East and Central Asia. It first appeared in Madinah upon the arrival of Bukharis and Afghans in the city several decades ago. After local touches were added to its recipe, Yaghmush has become one of the famous dumplings in Madinah.

A Different Taste.. Between Originality and Creativity:

Yaghmush dough is stuffed with mincemeat seasoned with select spices.

The dough is flattened and shaped in the form of balls stuffed with diverse delicious fillings. Then, the balls are placed in an oven at a high temperature until they acquire a brown color at the bottom and the top.

Where Can I Try It?

Stores and cafes adjacent to the Prophet’s Mosque compete in preparing popular appetizers. Yaghmush is served with a group of delicious dishes at traditional food restaurants. You can enjoy the delicious yaghmush in its original traditional taste at the Chefs Market.