Sadd Al-Khanaq

  • External External

It is located at the top of Al-Khanaq valley, it was constructed during the reign of the Umayyad caliph Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan -may God be pleased with him-

It is located at the top of Al-Khanaq valley, approximately 15 kilometers east of Medina. It is 17 meters tall, 42 meters long, and 12 meters wide. This dam was constructed during the reign of the Umayyad caliph Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan -may God be pleased with him- (41–60 AH). According to the information displayed, its original length was approximately 30 meters, its height from the valley bottom to the surrounding area is about 20 meters, and its width at the base is about 10 meters. The dam has been partially destroyed from the middle due to earthquakes throughout the centuries and flooding in this narrow valley passage. There is another dam nearby that is longer but lower, and it was built to store more floodwaters from the first dam lake. Unfortunately, this dam collapsed in the center like the previous one.